FemtoLux 30
Industrial Femtosecond Laser
30 W at 1030 nm
> 90 µJ max pulse energy
< 350 fs – 1 ps
Single shot to 4 MHz (AOM controlled)
Zero maintenance required
Dry cooling (no water used)
30 W typical max output power
> 90 µJ max pulse energy
> 250 µJ in a burst mode
< 350 fs – 1 ps
Single shot to 4 MHz (AOM controlled)
<0.5% RMS power long term stability over 100 hours
M² < 1.2
Beam circularity > 0.85
Zero maintenance
Zero maintenance
PSU and cooling unit integrated into single 4U rack housing
Easy and quick installation
Compatible with galvo and Polygon scanners as well as PSO controllers
2 years of total warranty
LCD, LED, OLED drilling, cutting and repair
Microelectronics manufacturing)
Glass, sapphire and ceramics micro processing
Glass intra volume structuring
Micro processing of different polymers and metals
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